Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ormond Beach Pt. 2

Started packing for Thursday!! Most of the stuff I'm bringing is at David and Anna's house, but I started here because my suitcase is here and I can find things to bring no matter where I am (cough over-packer cough).
This suitcase is smaller than I thought...I hope I can fit everything!! It's a grad/birthday gift from GrandMary. I got to pick the color. :D

I've made a summer playlist and I'm getting a beach mani-pedi on Wednesday, a gift from Anna's mom, Jane. So nice! I'm thinking a blue or a shimmery lighter color. Sooooooo many choices...

Sure is a bit different than the 2012 trip!! I've made a packing list for carry-on and the trip itself, which is helpful because there is always SOMETHING I forget.