Thursday, March 7, 2013

Change o' Plans

Remember when I said I was gonna change my style to a raver wannabe? Well I changed my mind. You really can't PLAN who you're gonna be; you need to let your next style come to YOU. Thinking ahead is risky and it doesn't always follow through. Just let it happen.
So I'm going from my Rocker Chick With a Hint o' Goth to Little Rock Monster Superstar Diva. It's not that different, but it will be noticeable, that's fo sho.
I'm so obsessed with being different. Blending in, for me, is like poison. Back in middle school I wanted nothing more than to look like everyone else. But that's pretty natural, right? It's middle school! Now even the thought of looking like everyone else gives me the shivers. The students of my school are split into 2 groups: people who want to fit in, and the creatives. On the creative side, it's all about dying your hair and  looking different. It's almost like a competition. But it's funny, 'cause sometimes when they try to look different, they end up wearing the same things.
I'm on the creative side, of course. But I don't want to fit in with them, you know? I want to be more different than even them. Which is difficult. Which is why I need to keep switching styles (that, and I have too many ideas).
I have this spark that if I dress differently than everyone in school, I will be noticed. I WANT to be noticed. That's hard to believe because I'm shy, but that's only on the inside. I want my style to speak for itself. I say to myself every day, when I walk through the hallways, 'Look at you. You look better than anyone,' which sounds pretty self-centered, but it helps me stay confident. Which I REALLY need.
I guess whoever is reading this has no IDEA what my style names mean and work, so here's the criteria:

Rocker Chick With Hint o' Goth

I guess the title pretty much speaks for itself: a rock girl with some gothic aspects.

-Wear guitar pick necklace every day
-Mess up your hair (scrunch!)
-Cut parts of your clothes off for that 'edgy' look
-Thick eyeliner
-Dark red/purple lip stuff
-Try to wear boots as often as possible
-Fishnet glove
-Dark clothes
-Add some sparkle and you're good to go!

Little Rock Monster Superstar Diva

This goes by the style of Lady GaGa, sort of an edgy celebrity bitch look.

-Star necklace daily (superSTAR, get it? ho ho ho)
-Wear your shades EVERY time you go out (whether it's sunny or not)
-Keep your lipstick color bright but not light
-GIANT earrings (earring singular for me, 'cause I've only got one piercing)
-Lots and lots of sparkle!
-Crazy freaky eye makeup (like GaGa's); I'm serious, do NOT be afraid to go all out with it!
-Gloves daily (I have lots, so well stocked)
-Try NOT to keep your nails naked! Make those bitches glam!
-Wear hair 'extensions' to be colorful (I got mine at Claire's; they're just clip-ons)
-Wear bright colors; be OUTRAGEOUS!

I'm thinking back to the first semester, when I was wearing coordinated, seasonal clothes like a freaking teacher and it's hard to believe I really wanted to dress like that. Honestly, I'm looking back at the photos I took of me wearing them and I just about want to vomit looking at some of them. But that's me for you; I never stay with a certain style. I love variety. It's what I go by and I hate the same stuff over and over. It's a circumstance where I DO like change.
So when I come back from Spring Break I expect I'll be fully settled into my new look. The shades I have posted are my Don't Look at Me, Don't Talk to Me Diva glasses; I have a few other pairs but these are my favorites. I got them when my family and I went to Ormond Beach; they washed up on shore--I'm serious! My uncle said something like, 'Hey, Rosii would love these!' and I do. They're so rad.
Anyway, I hope this new style will get me some ATTENTION. It may be true that the look will be so outrageous that people might get a little uncomfortable to say anything to me, but I guess I will catch them staring or something. I hope my friends like it as well.

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